Mathematical Frontiers in the Analysis of Many-particle Systems

Cambridge, 25-27 September 2017


Amit EINAV, TU Wien

Andrei ICHIM, Univ. Cambridge

Ariane TRESCASES, Univ. Cambridge

Baptiste MORISSE, Univ. Cardiff

Clément MOUHOT, Univ. Cambridge

Donghyun LEE, UW-Madison

Emeric BOUIN, Univ. Paris-Dauphine

Esther DAUS, TU Wien

Harsha HUTRIDURGA, Imperial College

Havva YOLDAS, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Helge DIETERT, Univ. Paris-Diderot

Ivan MOYANO, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie

Jessica GUERAND, ENS Paris

Jo EVANS, Univ. Cambridge


List of participants

Seminars in Room MR13.

Coffee and lunch breaks in Central Core.

Monday 25 September:

Mahir HADZIC, King’s College London

Are "very" relativistic galaxies stable?

Sara MERINO-ACEITUNO, Imperial College

How do we model collective motion in a fluid?

Ludovic CESBRON, ENS Lyon

How can we confine non-local diffusion to a bounded domain?

Kleber CARRAPATOSO, Univ. Montpellier

Do solutions of the Landau equation converge to the equilibrium?

Tom HOLDING, Univ. Warwick

Can one obtain a rate in the mean-field limit without the Lipschitz assumption?

Jo EVANS, Univ. Cambridge

When can we prove hypocoercivity in entropy?

Marc BRIANT, Univ. Paris-Descartes

How do cross-interactions in a gaseous mixture modify (or sustain) standard results from mono-species gas?

Tuesday 26 September:

Emeric BOUIN, Univ. Paris-Dauphine

Hypocoercivity without confinement?

Helge DIETERT, Univ. Paris-Diderot

How to look at the macroscopic behaviour of a kinetic equation?

Thomas REY, Univ. Lille 1

Can one use spectral theory to develop Uniformly Accurate schemes for collisional kinetic equation?

Martin TAYLOR, Imperial College

How do small data solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system behave.

Harsha HUTRIDURGA, Imperial College

Can we homogenise neutron transport models with heterogeneities in the energy variable?

Havva YOLDAS, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

How to show exponential convergence to equilibrium for neuron population models?

José CAÑIZO, Univ. Granada

What do discrete minimisers of interaction energies look like?

Wednesday 27 September:

Kung-Chien WU, National Cheng Kung University

Can we solve Fokker-Planck equation explicitly?

Esther DAUS, TU Wien

How to derive cross-diffusion systems with entropy structure via fast-reaction limit?

Ivan MOYANO, Univ. Cambridge

How can optimal transport be useful to prove uniqueness of solutions to some non-collisional kinetic equations?

Amit EINAV, TU Wien

What can one do when the entropy method fails?



The MAFRAN Days are a couple of days of seminars and discussions, on the questions tackled by the MAFRAN grant, and which are meant to be rather informal. One goal of these days is also to gather researchers associated with the kinetic group in Cambridge.

José CAÑIZO, Univ. Granada

Kleber CARRAPATOSO, Univ. Montpellier

Kung-Chien WU, National Cheng Kung University

Lisa Maria KREUSSER, Univ. Cambridge

Ludovic CESBRON, ENS Lyon

Mahir HADZIC, King’s College London

Marc BRIANT, Univ. Paris-Descartes

Martin TAYLOR, Imperial College

Megan GRIFFIN-PICKERING, Univ. Cambridge

Nathalie AYI, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie

Pedro ACEVES-SANCHEZ, Imperial College

Sara MERINO-ACEITUNO, Imperial College

Thomas REY, Univ. Lille 1

Tom HOLDING, Univ. Warwick

Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Wilberforce Road

Cambridge CB3 0WB

If you have any questions or if you would like to attend the workshop please contact the organizers: Clément MOUHOT and Ariane TRESCASES.
